Other Works
I have written and am in the process of writing several films and television series. Below, you will find some of the TV shows I have written that are either in pre-production or pre-pre-production (i.e. yet to be picked by a studio, so if you are a studio exec, get in touch if you're interested!)
This television series is set in Apperro, a vast fictional empire comprising Apperro (the Capital) and the three kingdoms of Apos, Peros, and Villam. The empire has enjoyed unparalleled peace and prosperity for many centuries, mainly owing to its succession laws and customs that require the emperor to be succeeded by his first-born child. Until now, all the first-born children have been boys. However, for the first time in the history of Apperro, the emperor has twins, a boy and a girl, who are both rightful heirs to the throne. However, only one person can be selected as a successor to the emperor. The twins must compete in the traditional Key to the Empire Challenge to be picked as a successor.
The two heirs are at the centre of the challenge - the twins, Dara Gata and Tara Gata. The two siblings were close friends through the first three septs of their lives. But, from the first day of their 4th sept (21st birthday), the two will embark on a challenge that will not only test their love and loyalty to each other but one that will test their family bond and threaten to undo centuries of peace and prosperity in Apperro. As they begin their quest to win the challenge, the twins and the empire are unaware of the ominous forces from the kingdom of Apos and the Libers - an outcast army of mercenary fighters with historical ties to Apperro's royal family.
When his girlfriend is killed in a surprise terrorist attack in Yemen, US Navy Seal officer Jason Adler is broken. To help him recover from his grief, Jason’s best friend and fellow navy seal, Sean Pivotty, invites Jason to accompany him to Zimbabwe, where he is visiting his fiancé, who lives on Porta farm, a large picturesque range, with her family. Unbeknown to the two friends, a sinister plot to invade white-owned farms illegally is brewing in the sub-Saharan country following a failed constitutional effort by the government to change the law to enable it to take away farms legally.
When Porta Farm is attacked, Jason must fight to save not only his life but also that of many.
This movie casts light on one of the darkest moments in recent African history. The story sheds light on the greed and violence that accompanied the under-reported unlawful land grab that took place in Zimbabwe at the beginning of the 21st century, a development that precipitated the complete ruin of the once prosperous sub-Saharan country.
This multi-layered story is also a tale of courage, selflessness, and finding meaning in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

Being Logan
This sitcom is about an irresistibly charming, cheeky geek named Logan. He is clever, charming, observant, cheeky, and street-smart. But when he moves from London to Chicago, Logan finds life in America challenging. Lucky for him, he can draw on his charm and brains to cope.
Bringing the beloved book, 'Logan the Inventor ', to life, 'Being Logan ' is a delightful, humorous, and engaging TV series that promises entertainment for the entire family.
In Being Logan, we delve into Logan's daily life in Chicago, which is a vibrant mix of characters. At home, he has his family (mum, dad, brother, and sister), along with Boomer, the dog and his nosey neighbour, Ms Rooftops. At school, he's surrounded by friends and an intriguing teacher. However, it's the bully and the mean girls that often monopolize Logan's attention and energy, adding a layer of intrigue to his story.
This comedy series is full of gags, silliness, playfulness, and creativity.
An excellent watch for the whole family
Gina Mars
A frenzy of seemingly unconnected tragedies, accidents, and murders begins to draw a line connecting two unlikely characters - Gina Mars, a reclusive criminologist, and Charlie Stevens, an outgoing retired police commissioner. These events seem fated to connect their destinies, forcing them to confront their past and present choices and actions.
GINA MARS is a pulsating dark tale of pain, revenge, guilt, and redemption. It grapples with questions of morality - right and wrong, fairness and justice - in a world where the rich and powerful do not play by the same rules as everyone else.